If your Mac came pre-installed with macOS Sierra, then you cannot download it. As far as I know, that restriction has been in effect for every downloadable OS released since Apple started providing the OS on the App Store. Essentially, the license for the preinstalled OS is only valid for that Mac. You would need another Mac to 'purchase' the 'App Store' license for Sierra.
Make sure you download the macOS High Sierra Installer to the /Applications folder and leave its default name. Create a macOS High Sierra Bootable USB Drive. A clean install wouldn't be possible without creating a macOS High Sierra Bootable USB drive. So let's go ahead and create one! In spite of these slight setbacks, mac OS High Sierra was an excellent attempt that helped lay the groundwork for the future of Apple's products. To better explain, the article is provided by macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 download DMG. Download the new version of macOS Sierra from the link above. Once downloaded, open the.pkg file as you did with the old version of macOS Sierra. It will now place the 'new' 'Install macOS Sierra' file in the Applications folder, just like before. Right-click the file and select 'Show package contents'.
Download macOS Sierra For the strongest security and latest features, find out whether you can upgrade to macOS Catalina, the latest version of the Mac operating system. If you still need macOS Sierra, use this link: Download macOS Sierra. A file named InstallOS.dmg will download to your Mac.
1 If you do not have the USB connector, open Smart Switch Mobile in 'Settings' on your new phone or download Smart Switch for PC/Mac. For a wire transfer, device must be a Galaxy device with Android™ 4.3 or higher, iOS 5 or higher, or BlackBerry® 7 OS or lower.
Macos High Sierra Free Download Pc
Download macOS Sierra For the strongest security and latest features, find out whether you can upgrade to macOS Catalina, the latest version of the Mac operating system. If you still need macOS Sierra, use this link: Download macOS Sierra. A file named InstallOS.dmg will download to your Mac.
1 If you do not have the USB connector, open Smart Switch Mobile in 'Settings' on your new phone or download Smart Switch for PC/Mac. For a wire transfer, device must be a Galaxy device with Android™ 4.3 or higher, iOS 5 or higher, or BlackBerry® 7 OS or lower. To transfer content using Smart Switch for Mac, you will need: 1) A Samsung mobile device with Android OS version 4.3 or later 2) An old device that meets one of the following requirements.
Macos High Sierra Free Download Pc
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Being that it is a 2017 Mac, it is also entirely possible that it has a special build of macOS Sierra which cannot be downloaded from the App Store, so it prevents you from doing so. The only way to reinstall Sierra on that Mac would be Internet Recovery.